What is PET Diagnosis and How You Can Get Prepared for The Test
PET or positron emission tomography is popularly known as the PET diagnosis . This is a certain type of taste that can be used in cancer treatment and this can be done along with CT Scan. Due to this resemblance, it is often called PET scan. For some types of cancer, a PET-CT scan is a way to help find cancer and learn its stage. Stage is a way to describe where the cancer is and if it has spread. Doctors also learn information about the stage if and how the cancer is affecting your body's functions. Knowing the stage of cancer helps you and your doctor choose the best treatment. It also helps your doctor predict your chance of recovery. How to get ready for the PET scan Unlike CDV Ag Test , PET scan needs some additional preparation during all the process. Some of them are given below. · You may be told to drink only clear liquids after midnight the night before the scan. Depending on what part of your body will be scanned, you m...